Kota Kinabalu – Day 1 and Nusantara Mattwadien M.S.

February 20, 2019 – Wednesday After waiting for almost a year, the day of our flight has finally arrived. I packed my things for the trip the night before, but sleep seemed to be elusive (maybe I’m just excited for the trip). I was already awake at 2AM and waited until it was 5AM so…

Kota Kinabalu – 5 Day Tour Itinerary 2019

Just came from a short trip to Kota Kinabalu, the capital of the state of Sabah in Malaysia. Here’s our DIY itinerary: Day 1 Baguio to NAIA NAIA to Kota Kinabalu International Airport Airport to Api-Api Center Stroll along the City Center to find local authentic cuisines for dinner Day 2 Manukan and Sapi Island…

What the Sunset means to me

Whenever I’m visiting different places, there’s one scene that would always make me stop, take out my smart phone and take a snap shot – that of the sunset. After taking the shot, I’ll just stare at it for a while and bask in the relaxing feeling, continue admiring it at a distance – wondering…

A photo and a pack of chips

At the end of a weekend meeting, a boy, younger yet slightly taller than her, approached her cousin and handed a small parcel … then the boy hastily run away. Older cousin: He told me to give you this. She: Who is it from? Older cousin: The nephew of my bestfriend. She: Okay, thanks. Upon…